Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tiger Woods and the Seven Bodies

Sadly one of my heroes Tiger Woods as succumbed to the thoughts and feelings of the Feeling Body.
I learned in my Ascended Master studies that we have seven bodies. Physical, Feeling, Mental, memory, causal, Christ body and the I Am Presence (aka Electronic Body) One of these bodies is called the feeling body. It is a part of the four lower, physical, feeling, mental and memory. It is dominated by our feelings and emotion.

I once read a quote from an a QuanYin master that the soul is controlled by the mind, the mind is controlled by feelings and the senses are controlled by our feelings. Yet it should be in reverse, the senses should be controlled by the mind, the mind should be controlled by the soul and the soul should be controlled by the God presence.

Energy follows thought and emotion is energy in motion. In this time where we look to the perfection of the Christ Consciousness let us beware to seriously contempate the Violet Flame and other paths that lead us to gain mastery over the feeling body. Else we fall victim to our sense nature as our fallen hero Tiger.


  1. This is probably the most helpful thing written, thought of and extended to Tiger Woods.

  2. Revisiting this, Atiba, I am taking it personally. I need this.
