Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Violet Flame of Abundance

In the Name of the Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved St Germain, Beloved Krishna and Portia, Beloved Jesus and Kuthumi and Beloved El Morya

Let my words be like an arrow of love, wisdom and power that penetrates the hearts and minds of torch bearers everywhere

On Abundance
I Am free from fear and doubt
casting want and misery out
knowing now that all supply
every comes from realms on high.

I Am the hand of God's own fortune
Flooding forth treasures of light
Now receiving full abundance
to receive every need of life.

The issue of abundance is an issue of us realizing our own fortune, the fortune within us.
This sounds cliche and you have heard it before. But each and every child of God has a fortune of wealth that can be accessed when we call the I AM Presence and direct that power in our lives.

How do we do it. First look at the two verses from El Morya's Violet flame decree.
He writes I AM free from fear and doubt. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space.
We are not building our faith on blind belief but on spiritual principles and experiences that are experienced one victory and one success at a time.
When we meditate it must be a meditation and prayer that consumes and transmutes all states of mind that are not positive, inspiring, uplifting and directing us to our God nature.. I AM That I AM.

So now we can also use our DECREES to help us in our daily attunement.
The bible says we have the power to decree a thing and make it so.

"I AM the law of forgiveness and consuming flame that annihilates all enharmonious action back to my first embodiment."
"I Am the fullfilment of all my needs and the requirements of every hour."

these are two decrees I love so much and I use them effectively everytime the negative energy or thoughts of lack and limitation try to invade, bambozzle or trick my conscious awareness.

Now the inner work has been done. The decrees have been said.
Write down what activities you need to do. Write down you goals. Read them in the morning and before bed. Keep them close, (in your pocket, wallet or purse) and tell no one. .( unless that person is directly involved in your completing them)
For when we tell people , often this will dissipate the energy of fulfillment. Visualize, Visualize and visualize yourself doing it. I cannot say enough about this portion. For over the years I have heard this litany, but until now it was not the soul of my being. It works.

I never thought i could do web development. Now I have a my own company and a team of web developers to assist me. I have made almost 2000 dollars without even advertizing since starting last summer.
See my site

Last verse

I AM the Hand of God in Action
gaining victory every day
my pure souls great satisfaction
Is to walk the Middle Way

We must do the inner work and we must act.
As Ayanla Vanzant says and I paraphrase " We must allow the challenges of life to move through us and not just happen to us"

The Middle Way is the way of balance. We are in the world but not of it.
We have families, jobs and livelihoods and we must allow time for play and exercise.
So now you have the a Great Secret of the Law of Attraction from the path of the Ascended Masters.
Next time I will visit the Spirit of Praise and Worship

Peace Atiba

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Veil Over Humanity

The cycle of birth, old and death reveals much as to the nature of our un-enlightened mind. we are under the veil of inherent slavery to mesmerisms of the media, violence and various subconscious addictions. The three attributes of the inner flame must be developed by prayer, decree and meditation. The attributes of wisdom, love and power are the qualities I speak of.

The veil of mesmerism includes being caught by the news and media which sends us perverted images of the inner flame.
One good decree for overcoming this is:

In the name of the I AM Presence
Transmute (3X) all perversions of the news and media which attempt to fascinate and captivate the minds of the torch bearers.

Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a minister from the Congo speak about the veil that is covering humanity. I was very surprised in that it sounded superstitious to me. It wasn't until
I had a meditation in which I saw this veil as a covering. Something like a dark cloud.

This is why it is so important that lightbearers and torchbearers use the tools that they have to armor ourselves and our loved ones. Increasingly as we near the time when the consciousness of humanity is moved toward taking it's rightful place as Sons and Daughters of the most high we will be attacked by news and media. We will also be attacked by sounds, rhythms and distorted images which are perversions of the light.

this is not work that I had planned to write about. Sela
The Ascended Masters are sending us light and I AM a humble Torchbearer

Friday, January 1, 2010

Dearest Friends and Loved Ones

Letter for the New Year

On this first day of the New Year 2010 I wish to send you light, love and well wishes from the center of my heart.
I had not intended to write this letter but I have been confronted with a disturbing trend that I hope that can be rectified by the
Light of the Ascended Masters Teachings, Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Prophet Mohammed, Mother Mary, St Germain and El Morya to name a few.
This issue that has come to my attention is the issue or spirit of Depression. For during the Christmas season which is the holiest of times for many is also a time for great emotional tribulation for some. For many of us who celebrate Christmas are unable to see or be with our loved ones, buy the number of gifts we like and are often alone on the sacred day which we symbolize as Jesus’ birth.

So how does such a holy day or period turn into one of depression and anxiety? First, because we have let the mind run rampant with thoughts of unforgiveness, ungratefulness, unworthiness and lack of self love. This is not what the “I Am Presence” our God nature or
God being would have for us. God is not withholding any good thing from us. Scripture says “It is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” But we have to affirm it. We have to remember that the mind is like an elephant that if not controlled will wreak havoc everywhere in our life.

So how do we overcome this tendency to become depressed because we are unfulfilled? We must first forgive ourselves our trespasses and forgive those who trespass against us. The Violet Flame Decree has two verses for forgiveness and I give them to you here.

I Am forgiveness acting here
Casting all doubt and fear
Setting men forever free
On wings of cosmic victory.

I Am calling in full power
For forgiveness every hour
To all life in every place
Flooding forth forgiving grace

There are many more in many scriptures and paths. Find them and know for yourself the Power of Forgiveness
The law of forgiveness is one of most important Cosmic Laws of the universe.
Find verse, Upanishads, suras, scriptures that inspire you to practice this law, this principle and be changed.

Secondly on the mind
The Mind Is Nothing and then the Mind is Everything.

When we come into the world most of us as children have no remembrance of past lives, of past hurts, or past transgressions or past accomplishments; then the mind is like a clear lake. Pristine and pure
Over time we fill this pure lake with memories, desires and images that are taught to us, learned, experience and often falsely qualified.
So we fill our mind with material that does not connect us to our true nature our God Presence.
Instead of filling our mind with the pure love liquid of God, of forgiveness, of faith, of prosperity and abundance; we fill our mind with ideas of lack and limitation, sickness, old age and death. Thus we actualize and realize that which we think and believe. We don’t even begin to realize our immortality until many of us are near the transition we know as physical death.

We must constantly through affirmation, decree, prayer, meditation and songs remind ourselves that we are God beings having a human experience.

Watch and keep me anchored ever
In the justice of thy plan
I Am Presence of God’s direction
Living the Life of God in Man (from the Violet Flame Decrees)

So lastly I would say that you, that each and every one of you is a Perfect Manifestation of Being.
That with or without your loved ones, your family, and your parents you are still a Perfect Manifestation of Being.

Here is one last set of affirmations that I just recently memorized.
It comes from the Violet Flame Decrees

I Am That I AM
I Am the open door which no man can shut
I Am the Light that Lightest every man that cometh into the World
I Am the Way
I AM the Truth
I Am the Life

I AM the Resurrection
I Am the Fulfillment of all my needs and the requirement(s) of every hour.
I Am Abundant Supply poured out into all life
I Am Perfect Sight and Hearing.
I Am the Manifest Perfection of Being.
I Am the Illimitable light made manifest everywhere
I AM the Light in the Holy of Holies
I Am a Son (Daughter) of God
I Am the Light in the Holy Mountain of God

Know Beloved that you will be tried, tested and even attacked by forces seen and unseen. But you must began to speak, think, meditate, prayer, chant, sing, dance with the authority of your I AM Presence. I Am simply a Divine Reminder.
So for this New Year let us begin to create a momentum that will change our lives and the lives of everyone we meet and associate with.

Love Atiba