Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Myth of the Higher Self

Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary and Beloved St. Germain by the power of God as manifested by the Violet Flame, surround my mind with your cosmic circle and consuming flame. Let my words come directly from my Great I Am Presence.

Yesterday, was another of the many awakenings that are occurring for me during the Great Silence of Sleep. But as this process of becoming one with my Christ Self occurs for me, it is easier to get teachings from my Great I AM Presence more deeply when I AM sleep.

For many years i had read about or been lectured to on the need for surrender of the lower self to the higher self. This is a misrepresentation of what needs to occur. Actually the four lower bodies need to come under the dominion of the I Am Presence.

This is another reason why we rebel, we allow our various minds and senses to become distracted, hypnotized or fall into trance like states that don't have anything to do with the affairs of our Great God Presence.!
We must willing surrender to this Great I AM Presence and let it know that we readily accept its command to live life through us. this is really God living through us, for the I AM Presence is not separate from God, it is just a drop of God's Presence gaining the experience, the love, the strength, wisdom necessary to return back to the Father. As this occurs then the Christ self , the intermediary body between your God Presence and your four lower bodies will naturally and without force begin to live your life as the real you. Each moment after the trans-formative experience will begin to be one of Inherent Pleasure.

For the nectar of the I AM Presence, the wisdom, the love and the power is readily available.
But we must give up the idea that any of the lower bodies, physical, emotional, mental or memory bodies needs control. Free will was given to man that we might glorify the Father on earth.
The creation of the five senses and the other emotional and mental gifts were necessary for us to
populate and create structure and society on the earth.
However, not far in time from our first embodiment into matter man rebelled. The story of Adam describes this on many levels , some literal and some factual.

The I AM Presence
Our real nature, exists as an individualization of God. I have seen this real ME. It is surrounded by the threefold colors of blue:power, pink:love and gold:wisdom.
These same colors reside in our heart and are also directly tied to the breath of life.
Notice that many mystics say that the real wisdom of man resides in his "HEART". ie. threefold flame of God

How Do We Become One or How Do We Realize This Truth?
Well, surrender is the key but more importantly knowing who and what this REAL YOU is will open up a doorway.
"I Am the Open Doorway that No Way Can Shut", from the Violet Flame Decrees.

Each of us must find our way, chanting, prayer, fasting, communing with Mother Earth.
Ascended Masters teaching, Quan Yin, Christians, Buddhists, American Indian, Great Spirit, Islamic or Whatever practice.
For me I have longed for, cried for, chanted, prayed, done thousands of prostrations and tried many other methods but the method of decreeing to God, then to the I Am Presence, and the Angelic Hosts has gotten me to this level of oneness with my Christ Self.

So I implore each of you who reads this, To pray and decree to your I AM Presence before sleeping.

Here is one decree that will help.
"I AM Presence take me within thyself and instruct me. See that I remember this instruction when I Awaken.

Also there is a wonderful decree book from the

The bible says Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee. Job 22:28

Now, I know that some will read this and condemn me or challenge the authority that God has give me to share this. Yet I will say to my more fundamental minded brothers and sisters that the same God that they serve I serve. I know from the core of my being that this knowledge is being given to me and many others at this time of great need. I share it in the Spirit of Love.
